Submission Guidelines
- Maximum ten submissions per person. Each submission must explicitly address one of the eight themes.
- Each submission cannot be previously published or currently under review elsewhere.
- Submissions must be sent as an email attachment in MS Word format to stilley@preciouspublishing.biz.
- Images must be in JPG or PNG format at 300dpi and sent as separate email attachments.
- Authors must include a 75-word biography and a 1”x1” digital headshot.
- The publisher reserves the right to edit or decline submissions.
- Contributors maintain copyright on their submissions, but the overall copyright of the anthology rests with the publisher.
- Poems of the Moment will be published by Precious Poetry and distributed through Amazon.com in Kindle and print formats by October 2023.
- Authors selected to appear in Poems of the Moment will receive a free copy of the print version of the book.
Important dates: Submit your work by Saturday, June 10, 2023, for consideration.
For more information: Contact the editor, Scott Tilley, at stilley@preciouspublishing.biz